Dr. Andrea Michel
(andrea.michel@unipi.it)Dr. Rajesh Kumar Singh
(rajesh.singh@dii.unipi.it)The last two years have been characterized by a dramatic worldwide scenario, which changed our lives. The IEEE RFID-TA conference was cancelled in 2020 due to the pandemic, but thanks to scientist and researchers the situation is now getting better and there is a strong willingness to start again with projects, activities, meetings and conferences. This Special Session is dedicated to all those activities on RFID done during the last 2 years, from the 10th edition held in 2019 (IEEE RFID-TA 2019, Pisa, Italy) to the 11th edition which will be held in 2021 (IEEE RFID-TA 2021, New Delhi, India). Among others, interesting topics for the session could be: RFID systems and applications related to the COVID pandemic, advancements in RFID activities presented at IEEE RFID-TA 2019, new projects and collaborations launched during the last two years.