Organizers: Alice Buffi(1), Antonis Dimitriou(2) , Christian Carlowitz(3) , Yongtao Ma(4) , Andrea Motroni(1)
1 University of Pisa, Italy, 2 AUTH University, Greece, 3 FAU University, Germany, 4 Tianjin University, China
This workshop will host researchers and engineers interested in the emerging technologies and applications for
wireless motion capture and fine-scale localization, particularly as they relate to Smart Industry, Smart City
and Smart Society. Workshop presentations will explore, but not limited to, technical issues relevant to these
emerging areas:
Topics Include
• Localization and tracking in Industry 4.0
• Localization enabling Smart City
• Wireless Motion Capture in Smart Society
• Navigation and tracking for Smart Agriculture
• Localization for tags and readers
• Novel tracking methods
• RFID-based navigation
• Localization enabling Smart City
• Wireless Motion Capture in Smart Society
• Navigation and tracking for Smart Agriculture
• Localization for tags and readers
• Novel tracking methods
• RFID-based navigation
• Hybrid methods
• SAR and radar-based techniques
• Indoor localization and Multipath mitigation
• Outdoor localization
• Signal processing for RFID-based localization
• Machine-learning and Artificial Intelligence enabling novel RFID localization systems
• Real-time localization
• SAR and radar-based techniques
• Indoor localization and Multipath mitigation
• Outdoor localization
• Signal processing for RFID-based localization
• Machine-learning and Artificial Intelligence enabling novel RFID localization systems
• Real-time localization
Submission Information
You may submit paper manuscripts for peer review to be included in this workshop through EDAS (https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=28612); please follow the paper guidelines and deadlines for the IEEE RFID-TA 2021 (https://2021.ieee-rfid-ta.org/). We welcome other contributions as well, including lightly reviewed abstracts for talks, tutorials, and/or demonstrations. For questions and contributions, please contact the workshop organizers: Alice Buffi (alice.buffi@unipi.it), Antonis Dimitriou (antodimi@ece.auth.gr), Christian Carlowitz (christian.carlowitz@fau.de), Yongtao Ma (mayongtao@tju.edu.cn) or Andrea Motroni(andrea.motroni@ing.unipi.it).Check the IEEE RFID-TA 2021 conference website (https://2021.ieee-rfid-ta.org/) for announcements, conference program, and more. Participation and attendance in the MoCap Workshop are included for IEEE RFID-TA 2021 registrations.
Brought to you by IEEE CRFID’s Technical Committee on Motion Capture and Localization