The 11th IEEE International Conference


October 6-8, 2021, Delhi, India

Instruction for Pre-Recorded Presentation

The virtual conference foresees live sessions where authors can present and answer Q&A live with attendees within a time slot of 15 minutes. However, we request a pre-recorded version of your presentation to be submitted.

Here are the instructions for preparing pre-recorded talks for IEEE RFID-TA 2021:

•             Duration: 12-15 minutes

•             File size: 150MB max

•             Video file format: mp4 with resolution of 1920×1080 (i.e., standard HD, 1080p resolution) at 30 fps

•             Dimensions: Minimum height 720 pixels, aspect ratio: 16:9

We suggest the paper authors to observe the maximum time limit of 15 minutes for presentation and partecipation to Q&A.

As recording method, we suggest to use Power Point voice-over, Camtasia, Kultura, or any other software that you are comfortable with. Our preference is to have the talking-head shot of the presenter as at least a “thumbnail” in the corner of the presentation if possible.

Upload the video directly to EDAS, which has a video upload option alongside the final manuscript upload. You may use slides/handouts to accompany your talk.

In order for videos to be verified by the technical program committee, there is considerable urgency in preparing and uploading your video. Accordingly, we ask that you please finalize your video no later than September 18, 2021. This is a HARD DEADLINE. Presentations will not be accepted after this date.

Please be sure the video includes the title of the paper, the authors, and a mention of IEEE RFID-TA 2021, e.g. by using the conference logo and banner.